TBS demobidule order

Welcome to our order form. Our standard processing delay is 24 hours with a maximum of 48 hours.

This form works best with Netscape and Javascript. The billing will be in EUR, please check the currency converter link for your currency value.

                                                        #     each  total
3 months TBS demobidule
at EUR 30 each (your currency)........................  x   30  

1 year TBS demobidule
at EUR 95 each (your currency)........................  x   95  

Add 19.6% VAT (applicable inside European Union).....     VAT   
TOTAL Euro (EUR)........................................... 

For this demonstration, you need to enter the email address of the MERCHANT (must have its S/MIME certificate added to the server's ring by sending a signed email to tag-smime-store@TBS-internet.com) here:

The rest of the order is prefilled. Go to the bottom and press "YES"

General Sales Conditions applicable:

General Information:

  Invoice: Email or Postal


Enter the address your credit card bills are sent to. This address is checked with the credit card company.


Payment Information:

You must include a credit card number for your order to be processed. Please note we only accept VISA and Mastercard. This information is protected by SSL.

  Credit Card Type:   

  Bank Name:           (enter as it appears on the card)

  Holder Name:         (enter as it appears on the card)

  Credit Card Number:  (no spaces please)

  Expiration Date:      (MMYY)

Comments and special requests:

Privacy statement: the French law is the most consumer protective worldwide. Therefore data collected here are aimed to TBS. You can very simply control the usage of this data by checking the boxes below:
I oppose to internal reuse of this data
I oppose to external reuse of this data
You have the right to consult, modify, correct and suppress your data with us. To use this right, contact TBS

Revision date: 18 mar 2000
By: TBS-internet
URL: https://www.TBS-satellite.com/secure/order_demo.html