Business areas

TBS INTERNET's timeline

2010 TBS Internet is the first in Europe to launch the VeriSign Trust Seal (that recently became the Norton Secured Seal), first non-SSL authentication product
2009 GlobalSign's server certificates, installable on 3 machines, join the SSL range of products provided by TBS Internet
2008 Launch of SHA256-signed certificates in the TBS X509 brand
-- Launch of the Thawte Adobe Air products
2007 Launch of Microsoft UCC products
-- Launch of the EV offer (Extended Validation)
2006 Launch of the TBS X509 CA, TBS Internet's certification authority.
2005 Vincent REGNARD joins the R&D Department
2004 Deployment of a fully dual-stack ISP network (IPv4 - IPv6)
2003 Muriel LE HANIE joins TBS Internet in charge of the certificates activity.
-- Launch of the certificates brokerage activity (Verisign and Comodo)
2002 Francis GALIEGUE, one of the very first developer of Mandrake, joins TBS Internet for the Pitux implementation.
2001 Launch of Pitux, a Linux-based distribution for IT companies specialized in outsourcing .
2000 TBS Internet develops the electronic signature-based order with a simple web browser and a user certificate.
1999 TBS Internet launches its connectivity offer in several European countries (Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the United-Kingdom and Switzerland).
1998 TBS Internet audits and publishes monthly Internet connectivity statistics between USA and France.
-- Thawte and its representative, TBS Internet, capture over 50% of the French server certificates market.
1997 TBS Internet launches its dedicated servers offer in partnership with the American DigitalNation, later Verio Advanced Hosting (
1996 Internet outsourcing: Jean-Philippe DONNIO manages dedicated servers (Linux-based servers, hosted in Washington) and creates an ISP
-- TBS Internet becomes Thawte's representative in France.
-- Creation of TBS Internet with two activities: ISP support (Internet Service Provider) and The Satellite Encyclopedia.
1994 Jean-Philippe DONNIO creates the Satellite Encyclopedia - in French and English
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Last modified: 6 March, 2019
Brilliant: you are using IPv6 from!